How to Copy Paste Text Between Android Phone and Windows PC

Thanks to Android application ClipSynwhich sync both the android and windows pc clipboards over Wi-Fi and ease up many tasks which usually require lots of typing.

Step 1:

 Install the client on your Android device and the server on your Windows computer.

Download windows server from here.
Download Android client from here.

Step 2:

After installing the server you can find the Clipsync icon in your notification tray.

Step 3:

Open the Clipsync app on your android device.
Client should be connected to the same WiFi network to which the server is connected.

                                                         click connect to new server

Step 4:

Now you can see the Clipsync server name i.e, PC Name in the list of servers.
Click on the server name to which you want to connect.

Step 5:

If you want to connect manually to the server then click connect to the server manually. 

Step 6:

Right click on the  PC notification bar icon and copy the ip address.

Step 7:

Type the server IP address in the android app and then click connect.

you can now copy text from any device and paste it in any device.